<p><p><img class=”alignright img-services” src=”https://www.evergreendentalarts.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/22/2020/04/clearcorrect.jpg” alt=”ClearCorrect” width=”960″ height=”640″ /></p><h2>ClearCorrect<sup>®</sup> San Jose, CA</h2><h3>Straighten teeth invisibly, without metal braces.</h3><p><yoastmark class=’yoast-text-mark’>ClearCorrect® invisible braces are the clear and simple way to straighten your teeth so you can show off your smile with confidence and improved self-esteem.</yoastmark> With ClearCorrect there aren’t any wires or brackets, just clear convenient comfort.</p><p><yoastmark class=’yoast-text-mark’>To correct malocclusion, a growing number of patients prefer clear aligners to traditional wires and brackets, due to advantages such as:</yoastmark></p><ul><li>Nearly-invisible appliances</li><li>No dietary restrictions</li><li>No obstructions to flossing or brushing</li><li>Controlled single-tooth movement</li></ul><p>
ClearCorrect®Evergreen Dental Arts2020-03-27T13:04:15-07:00 </p><div class=”fusion-clearfix”> </div><p><br /><br /><br />
</p><h3>Invisible</h3><p><yoastmark class=’yoast-text-mark’>Clear aligners show off your smile, so most people won’t notice you’re wearing them.</yoastmark>
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</p><h3>Removable</h3><p>Remove your aligners and eat whatever you like. There aren’t any wires to trap food.
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</p><h3>Made in America</h3><p><yoastmark class=’yoast-text-mark’>ClearCorrect® aligners have been made in the heart of Texas since 2006.</yoastmark>
</p><h2>Before &amp; After</h2><p>Use your mouse to click and slide the arrow below each photo to view their ClearCorrect transformation!</p><p>
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</p><h2>Resources</h2><ul><li><a href=”https://www.straumann.com/clearcorrect/en/home.html” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Official ClearCorrect website</a></li></ul></p>